Your MSP has signed you up for the Secure Crate quarterly Security Training program because they understand that even though Security Training is something you should be practicing in your office, it can sometimes get overlooked or pushed aside. Secure Crate is here to make Security Training programs easy, fun, and effective for you and your staff!
We will handpick items to help your staff and co-workers learn about best security practices and promote a security awareness culture.
How It Works…
Read the enclosed brochure to learn more about the SECURE CRATE method to Security Training. Then find the booklet and brush up on your security know-how before you hold your quarterly Security Training staff meeting. Need More? Check out our infographic and videos at for even more information on this quarter’s topic!
You’ll find some cool items in your SECURE CRATE box. Keep them on your desk to remind yourself and your coworkers about best security practices. Drive your point home by hanging the enclosed poster in a high traffic area. And don’t forget to hold a Security Training meeting with your staff to keep everyone up to par!
Find someone in your office that’s forgotten to use best practices? Let them know in a fun and gentle way with one of our Got Caught Cards. Be sure to document all of your efforts to stay compliant with Federal regulations!